Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Ideas In Our Mind

I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. -Michelangelo Buonarroti, sculptor, painter, architect, and poet (6 Mar 1475-1564)

The Ideas In Our Mind

One friend told me how, as a kid, she'd liked to draw. While in class, she would draw on her notebook. Unfortunately, when an adult saw the drawings, the girl was reprimanded. "You are wasting paper. Don't draw on your notebook."

After that, she decided that she shouldn't draw on her notebook and so she did not. She then began to draw on newspapers. With a pen, she made doodles and she enjoyed it very much. Again, an adult saw what she did and she was reprimanded. "Don't draw on the newspapers."

Since she wasn't allowed to draw on clean paper nor on newspapers, she decided not to draw at. Then after many years, when she was an adult and she had her own electronic tablet, she saw this application which allowed her to illustrate. She began drawing her heart out. Not only that, with only a few in-app purchases, she was able to make use of virtual brushes and a wider variety colors. It felt good, she thought that she could now let those beautiful images out.

photo credit: Padcamp 2012 via photopin (license)

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